Hnálla Keywords

The gods of the Tsolyani consist of 10 deities and their cohorts, split between the gods of Change and Order. Foremost in the Gods of Order is Hnálla.


Demonology (Entities of Light)

The Fulguration of Imminent Grandeur (Holy Beam of Light)

The Globe of Distant Discernment (Remote Viewing, Clairvoyence, Farseeing)

The Inimitable Defender (Protection, Dome of Protection, Circle of Protection)

Metastatis (Teleport, Guided Teleport)

The Negatation of Instability (Negate Phantasm)

Peaceful Repose (Peaceful Repose, Deep Repose)

The Power of Ultimate Perfection (Banish Demon)

The Ritual of the Purified Sphere (Sanctify Ground, Sanctify Building)

Vallation (Vallation of Calm)


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